Nursing Opportunities for Graduate Students

Graduate student scholarships listed within this section require that individuals be enrolled in a U.S. degree program in order to be eligible for study or research opportunities abroad. Scholarships target graduate students in the fields of basic, social and population sciences who are primarily U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

Students may or may not receive UCSF academic credit for participating in study or research opportunities abroad. Students are responsible for contacting the program administrator at the funding agency in advance of participating in programs for questions related to UCSF transfer credit. Annual submission deadlines are subject to change without notice at the discretion of funding agencies.

Fogarty Global Health Training Program for Fellows and Scholars

Location: low and middle-income countries (LMICs) as defined by the World Bank

Levels of Study: doctoral students, medical students and postdoctoral scholars

Fields of Study: dentistry, medicine, nursing, public health and veterinary

Description: Provides mentorship, research opportunities and a collaborative research environment for early stage investigators from the U.S. and LMICs. Applicants develop and implement a global health research training program. At least 50% of trainee projects should focus on HIV/AIDS.

Eligibility: U.S. citizenship or permanent residence

Award Deadline: August

Limited Submission for Universities: Only one application per institution

Letter of Intent Required: Yes, due in July

Website: Learn more about the Fogarty Global Health Training Program for Fellows and Scholars award at the National Institute of Health


Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training Program (MHIRT)

Location: worldwide

Levels of Study: doctoral students

Fields of Study: dentistry, medicine, nursing, public health and veterinary

Description: Funds U.S. institutions to offer short-term research training opportunities in international settings to students from health disparity backgrounds. Provides international exposure to students to conduct research at foreign sites in the biomedical, clinical, social, or behavioral sciences.

Eligibility: U.S. citizenship or permanent residence

Award Deadline: Varies by host institution

Limited Submission for Universities: No

Letter of Intent Required: No

Website: Learn more about the MHIRT Program at the National Institute of Health


University of California GloCal Health Fellowship (UCGHI)

Location: Africa, Asia and Latin America

Levels of Study: doctoral students, medical students and postdoctoral scholars

Fields of Study:  medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health and veterinary

Description: Provides funding for research, travel and online courses that focus on diseases in developing countries, in addition to a week-long orientation on the NIH campus in the U.S. Trainees will be matched with top-tier global health faculty from one of the four participating UCs and an international site to engage in mentored research that fosters scientific and career development in global health.

Eligibility: U.S. citizenship or permanent residents who are advanced doctoral students in global health sciences at any of the 10 UC campuses.

Award Deadline: November

Limited Submission for Universities: No

Letter of Intent Required: No

Website: Learn more about the UCGHI Fellowship at the UC Global Health Institute